THESIS ARTHROPATHY IN TRUNCAL OBESITY PATIENTS AND ASSOCIATED COMORBIDITIES AND THIER OUTCOMES NEED FOR STUDY AND INTRODUCTION :- The association between OA and T2DM has been traditionally attributed to underlying shared risk factors of age and obesity. Emerging evidence suggests that alterations in lipid metabolism and hyperglycemia might have a direct impact on cartilage health and subchondral bone that contribute to the development and/or progression of OA.(ref 1) While the above association is well studied and documented, patients with trunKal obesity and osteoarthritis are likely to have their illness outcomes considerably influenced by other comorbidities that are likely to affect their outcomes. This has not been studied earlier as per our review of literature and hence the need for this study INTRODUCTION :- There is increased susceptibility to develop arthritis in those with T2DM, which is supported by observations of higher prevalence of arthr...